Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Breaking Ground in Snow

As of today, we finally have the internet at the cabin! It's been a little over a week since the move. It was a challenging, exhausting, and rewarding move, and one hell of a story.

We picked up the U-Haul on Friday, February 25th- which some of you may recall was the night of a snow storm. What they had predicted to be just a few inches ended up being over a foot at the elevation of the old house. We got stuck in traffic behind a few accidents on our way to picking up the truck, and it took us twice as long as it normally would. Then, we had to slowly creep home along un-plowed roads with high winds. Once we managed to get the truck home, we had to shovel out over a foot of snow and clear a spot for the truck to be parked.

That wasn't the end of the night though, we still started loading the truck and finished packing up the basement. Exhausted, we passed out in front of the still hooked up t.v. wishing that magic was real and we could wake up in the new place.

About quarter to six, I rolled over and realized that we were both wide awake. With coffee brewing, we plowed through the morning.Around 9 my best bud and neighbor appeared to help us with the last of it, and the three of us, the cats, dogs and mugs of coffee hit the road by 11. I drove the truck with my fingers and toes crossed that I wouldn't get pulled over. The truck wasn't fixed (getting done today) so I didn't have an inspection sticker. Luckily, we caught a break. I'm sure we were quite the sight, and certainly exhausted before even beginning the process of unloading.

With the help of two of my girl's fantastic sisters, we made quick work of emptying out the truck and assembling furniture.

It was intense, messy, and rushed- but most moves are.

And our reward has been fantastic. Both of our families are near by (hers is only 15 minutes), and the cabin is cozy. The fencing for the dogs has been a relief. We had a bit of trouble with the water, it's sulfurous and full of sediment. We've added a few filters though, and it is working out just fine.

There's lots more to tell, but we have company coming because of a major power outage, and I have pot pie to make. stay tuned.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


All that is happening right now (hence the lack of posts) is:






Also, my truck failed inspection, which is inconvenient. And unfortunate.

Just trying to get through the move. Minute by minute.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Pasta Express

It's a whirlwind right now... the cabin is so close and we are in the swing of moving. Boxes, plastic tubs, purging...

This Sunday we drove down to the cabin to set up dog fencing. There were rams ambling about behind the yarn shop, and I thought to myself, "This is our home, next to these rams, and this orchard. This isn't a dream". Badger went with us, and barked madly from inside the cabin because he felt we were much far away from him outside. We brought a few boxes with us, whatever we could fit in the truck along with the fence panels. I'm making another trip down tomorrow with more boxes with Harper to get him familiar with the space. The full move is at the end of the month

On Friday the bank came to appraise the house, I'm attempting to get rid of it via a deed in lieu. Essentially, that means I give the bank back the house, and they sell it but it doesn't go into foreclosure. All the paper work is filed, I'm just holding my breath.

Saturday night we stayed in. We decided to get some great micro-brew from Ithaca Brewery, their seasonal winter ale is a tangy Belgium brew that helped fend off the cold. We also decided to break out a pasta maker that my grandma had given me years ago, and sat on a shelf for too long. Growing up, I have vivid memories of sitting on Gram's scrubbed wooden chairs, hands coated in semolina, helping her role out sheets of fresh soft pasta as sauce bubbled on the stove. With a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, she'd quickly stir the sauce, kiss my head, and roll dough.

Saturday was a different scene, but equally vivid and lovely. "The Pasta Express" is the name of the ridiculous garage sale machine we used, which came complete with an instructional VHS tape. Laughing and listening to NPR we mixed the ingredients and celebrated the perfectly shaped linguine that resulted. We ate the pasta with homemade summer tomato sauce, and then curled up to watch a documentary.

Many folks who are in their mid-twenties would roll their eyes at such an evening, but really, truly, I'm just grateful, or great-full (pun intended).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

We need a farm because...

our puppy needs a hobby other than chasing Harper, harassing cats, and stealing socks.

I'm thinking sheep.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

spring is a fickle lady

Today we awoke to yet more snow. I can't contemplate spending another post on pining for spring or on the wrath of winter.

So instead, let's talk more food and music. I'm half down with the flu, so of course, I'm returning to my favorite consolation- cooking. I'm making sauce like my grandma used to, only vegetarian so that every member of the house can enjoy. Then, I am going to make some eggplant-meatless balls. The sauce recipe is a carefully guarded and only passed down in person, so I can't share that one, but if the eggplant turns out well, I'll post that!

We just bought the new Decemberist album, "The King is Dead" using a gift certificate from the holidays. It's the kind of music that seeps down into me, and that I hear something new from every time I listen. The first track, "A Turning of the Season" is like an anthem I didn't know I needed. There just isn't a bad song on the record.

It reminds me how much I am craving an instrument. For years, my voice was my instrument, but then my voice changed- and my ability to sing went down the tubes. Since then, I've tried a few instruments, but I'm still trying to find the one that really fits. I'm taking suggestions, I like the sounds of fiddles, banjos, earthy music- and I am impatient. I need something that I can have some kind of result from with hard work, but not endless toil. Of course, finding time to fit this in to the other myriad of things happening seems like a long shot. But... a life without music just doesn't seem complete. In the meantime, I've put that album on repeat.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Yes, there is three feet of snow, but the end is in sight

Last night, it was 5:18 and not pitch black. There is no greater hope then the promise of spring.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A new day, Cold, but New

We managed to find a replacement for my beloved blackberry (even farmers love technology) on ebay for less than the cost of my replacement with insurance. Sixty dollars less, which for a under employed person is quite a bit.

It won't arrive until Monday though, which is irritating. Yesterday was the kind of day that makes you clench your teeth and roll your eyes, for 24 hours straight. But it's okay, because it ended wrapped up on the couch, cozy with the suddenly angelic puppy. That makes a big difference.

Today, I am feverishly consuming copious amounts of greenhorn (young farmer) materials. And getting ready for work. And reminding myself of the goal, which has been made easier by reading "The Dirty Life" by Kristin Kimball. Here is a girl, who leaves NYC for the love of a farmer and the farm they build together. It's revolutionized my thoughts on how we might build our CSA. They build a year-round CSA, supplying the members with their entire food supply, dairy, grains, cheese, meat, veggies etc. AND they do it with draft horses. Incredible.

More on this when I'm not rushing to the cafe job. Soon. In the meantime, check out that book, and enjoy.